karena ane lihat belum ada yang bikin document tentang CM10.1 ane bantu buat deh, sambil belajar ngetik sepuluh jari :vbiar mempermudah juga buat agan yang..#sudahlah_ah langsung aja
CM10.1 untuk Galaxy W disediakan tanpa jaminan. Jika agan menginstal software ini tanggung dengan resiko sendiri. Karena penulis tidak bertanggung jawab jika terjadi sesuatu pada HH agan.
Apa saja yang diperlukan sebelum menginstall ROM ini:
5. Jika bahan-bahannya sudah semua di DL, taruh di internal sdcard atau bisa juga di external sdcard. yang penting bisa terbaca oleh CWM.
Cara Install:
1. Backup dulu file penting disdcard (opsional) terserah agan.
2. Reboot ke CWM.3. Wipe data/factory reset, ya. Wipe cache partition, ya. advanced. Wipe dalvik cache, ya. Reboot recovery (opsional).
4. Mounts and storage. format /system. format /cache. format /data. format /sdcard (opsional) ane rasa biar Romnya bersih dari folder Rom sebelumnya. lalu kembali ke Menu CWM.
5. Install zip from sdcard/chose zip from sdcard. pilih zip CM10.1 yang di DL.
6. Install zip from sdcard/chose zip from sdcard. pilih gapps yang di DL.
7. Reboot System Now.
Selamat Wowon agan sudah terinstall CM10.1 JB 4.2.2..Loncat-loncat juga boleh :p
What's working: Audio
Receiving and making calls
Proximity sensor
USB mass storage
HW accelerated gui
HW accelerated video
Wifi/USB tethering
Green color when taking pictures (saved picture is ok though)
Alpha [Build 6]
- Fixed WEP connection
- Fixed bluetooth MAC address during boot
- Kernel 3.4.47
Alpha [Build 5]
- Fixed wifi tethering
- Fixed bluetooth file transfer issue
- Fixed "pop" sound on shutdown and entering PIN (credits CastagnaIT)
- Kernel 3.4.44
Alpha [Build 4]
- Fixed issue with certain games
- Added fix for thumbnail size growing out of control
- Fix for gps icon not going away
Alpha [Build 3]
- Display HAL updated to version 1.1
- Added system.prop for switching SD cards without changing vold.fstab
- Added support for GooManager (download/update rom)
Alpha [Build 2]
- Disabled software HDR in camera app
- Updated CM logo in boot splash (removed CID head as it was kinda pink)
- Issue with audio routing after using Google Search should now be fixed
- Scrolling in camera settings should not be messed up anymore
- Fixed cLock weather due to API changes from Yahoo
- Fixed torch widget
- Enabled NTFS read support in kernel
- Ad-hoc (IBSS) support added
- Fixed WEP issue (credits to ivendor for finding this one)
Alpha [Build 1]
Tips & Tricks:
- Membuka Developers Options di Settings:
Buka Settings, scroll kebawah dan buka About Phone. kemudian tekan Build number sekitar 8X. ntar bakal keluar tulisan bahwa agan adalah developers :v
Back, ntar bakal muncul Developers Options di Settings. buka dan centang Advanced reboot untuk menu Reboot recovery dan Reboot download mode.
Hapus app yang benar-benar memang tidak dibutuhkan dan lebih baik dibackup terlebih dahulu. DWYOR!!
Apollo.apk - Browser.apk - Calculator.apk - CMFileManager.apk - CMWallpaper - DownloadProvider.apk - DownloadProviderUI.apk - DSPManager.apk - Email2.apk - Exchange2.apk - Gallery2.apk - GenieWidget.apk - KeyChain.apk - LatinIME.apk - LatinImeDictionaryPack.apk - LiveWallpapers.apk - LiveWallpapersPicker.apk - SoundRecorder.apk - Talk.apk - Talkback.apk - Torch.apk - Trebuchet.apk - VideoEditor.apk - VoiceDialer.apk - VoiceSearchSub.apk.
#Gapps Midnight Gapps Project:
#S4 AccuWeather Widget and S4 Launcher:
#SwapMemory [Menukar External Sdcard Menjadi Internal Sdcard]
#[Kernel] HurtSky's Kernel:
#[Kernel] Skull Kernel:
#Scripts and tweaking Wonder:
#[Adreno Driver][JB] Latest Adreno Driver:
#Official MEGA CM10.1 Theme Chooser Thread:
"Kita tidak akan pernah mengetahui jawaban yang sebenarnya, sebelum kita mencoba".